Entrepreneur & Proptech Visionary, Hamburg
Yanti Krebs is a real estate and communication expert with 18 years of experience in asset management and campaign development. As the CEO of Ymmo, a real estate management company, she strives for the ultimate fusion of industry expertise and new technology. Highly skilled in emotional leadership Yanti regularly proves that she is capable in bringing together players so different in terms of their professional focus that they would never match with each other without her professional diplomacy.
Aside her daily practice Yanti also serves as an ambassador to the Nushu female business network, as a mentor to the Google launchpad and as a regular speaker for gannaca experience expeditions.
Anne-Katrin Ahrens,37岁,是一位有着丰富经验的艺术家和设计师,在柏林拥有自己的工作室。她在拥有各类媒体十几年的从业经验,尤其是印刷领域,对细节的敏感度犹如鹰眼般犀利。她在汉堡应用科技大学设计系授课,并受邀参加各大国际展览。
Anne-Kathrin 时也极擅于观察当下的潮流趋势。在研讨会上,她总能敏锐洞察到一些旁人不会留意的举动。她有着足够的知识储备,足以让她创造出自己独有的视觉语言。
Daniel Knapp 35岁,是科技分析师和数据专家,在研发预测模型和制定数据策略方面有十年的从业经验。他是国际媒体公司IHS Markit的数字新媒体部门高级主管,在为公司制定数据策略的同时,也负责配合监管部门,汇报并协调公司的数据产品及数据处理工作。
Rudolf “Rudi” Hilti, 28岁,企业家和梦想家,来自德语区的中欧小国列支敦士登公国。卢迪自称世界公民,他乐观积极,有责任心,勇于变革,他为项目投入了满腔热情和大量资金,为改变世界作出真正积极的贡献。他热爱室内设计和时尚,喜欢和来自世界各地的人交朋友。