fischimwasser GmbH makes people healthier, more satisfied and more efficient. Based on the approaches of the Froböse formula, the think tank develops innovation-driven projects and products for the healthcare markets – scientifically sound and interdisciplinary. Together with our client fischimwasser, we designed a cross-divisional creative workshop for our client IKK classic around a digital assistant in the form of a chatbot. It is supposed to support craftsmen in their everyday life to lead a healthy lifestyle. In order to make successful product development possible in the first place, the challenge was to bring together the very different perspectives of the respective divisions of IKK classic, to balance out the differences in prior knowledge of chatbot technologies, and to develop an original and future-proof conceptual approach. As a result, Christopher Peterka, as moderator of the workshop, was pleased to have profitably consolidated the expertise of the 15 participants and to have helped both fischimwasser and IKK classic to a successful project start.
applied methods:
applied services:
Prof. Dr. Ingo Froböse
Univ. Professor
Deutsche Sporthochschule Köln
Vorsitzender des wissenschaftlichen Beirates
fischimwasser GmbH
Stefan Sauerzapf
fischimwasser GmbH
Christopher P. Peterka
Prof. Dr. Christopher Grieben
fischimwasser GmbH