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May 14th, 2021

Le Boudir X gannaca


Fashion & Technology in times of crisis? As we have seen, since the beginning of the Covid-19 crisis: virtuality has flourished in fashion and luxury, fashion weeks platforms have become digitalized around the world, presentations have become digitalized, storytelling is immersive. This is far from a trivial observation. So, as Christopher Peterka observes, if “the appropriate use of technology in the fashion industry increases its importance as a voice, in our societal discussion about what we want as a future”, what does this voice tell us? In the “Le Boudoir Numérique X gannaca series” Episode 1, our CIO Christopher discusses this with Mila Chan and Chibi Mila, the virtual journalists of the Digital Boudoir. “Le Boudoir Numérique X gannaca” is a new series of interviews on the future of fashion tech in collaboration with our dear friend and advisory board member Ludmilla Intravia, journalist and editor-in-chief of Le Boudoir Numérique, a digital magazine deciphering the impact of technology, innovation and digital on fashion and beauty. Discover the video of the first episode here.


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May 6th, 2021

RP Symposium 2021


Last week we told you about the production of the 2021 symposium “Highlights of modern medicine – live healthy – stay healthy” of the Forum Future Medicine. The goal of the event: current, medical knowledge explained in a way that everyone can understand. The media production, which was carried out at Rudas Studios Düsseldorf, is intended to help allay patients’ fears by providing them with better information about innovative treatment methods. Panel discussions were held on various aspects, such as immunotherapy in oncology or the use of artificial intelligence in cardiology, which were moderated by our CIO Christopher Peterka. As if the direct exchange with affected patients in times of the pandemic were not hurdle enough – the preparation and execution of such a production is an art in itself. All the more beautiful when the result (from June 11 on is right and also gives us at gannaca the feeling for a small moment that we have arrived back in the pre/post C19 everyday life. We would like to thank the Rheinische Post and Pia Kemper for this.


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April 27th, 2021

Forum Zukunftsmedizin


Symposium 2021


Current medical knowledge explained in a way that everyone can understand – that is the claim of the Rheinische Post Forum’s Future Medicine Forum, whose concept and creation we have been intensively involved in developing with gannaca since 2018. Supported by the major insurers DAK and HanseMerkur, the pharmaceutical company Roche and the private bank Donner&Reuschel, selected medical experts discuss current and future trends.
This was also the case recently at the Symposium 2021 “Highlights of modern medicine – live healthy – stay healthy”. The media production, which was carried out at the Rudas Studios in Düsseldorf, is intended to help allay patients’ fears by providing them with better information about innovative treatment methods. Panel discussions were held on various aspects, such as immunotherapy in oncology or the use of artificial intelligence in cardiology, which were moderated by our CIO Christopher Peterka. Christopher especially appreciated the support of the symposium by the Lord Mayor of Düsseldorf, Dr. Stephan Keller, as patron. Dr. Keller would like to further strengthen the healthcare location in the next five years and, for example, establish a healthcare campus.


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April 19th, 2021

gannaca partner


Dr. Alexander Pagnia / PRO energy consult


“gannaca is about 10 years ahead of the energy industry. We benefit a lot from this in our cooperation.” – Profit? That sounds particularly bright in the ears of Germany’s entrepreneurs in Corona times. And indeed: energy generation, storage, distribution and management are a huge topic for every medium-sized company. Because in 2021, computing power will cost next to nothing, decentralized solutions will be more in demand than ever, and only with creativity and decisiveness can resilience be developed for the continuing pandemic. So: who wants again, who is not yet climate neutral, self-sufficient and smart in their energy regime?


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January 20th, 2021



Rheinische Post Forum


Begleitet durch unseren CIO Christopher Peterka brachte das Rheinische Post Forum unter der Leitung von Pia Kemper im Dezember bekannte Namen aus Wirtschaft, Gastronomie und Kultur zusammen und stellte ein spannendes, interessantes und emotionales Talk-Format auf die Beine. Alle Themen-Schwerpunkte können online unter abgerufen werden. Der Blick in die vielseitige Zeitenwende-Mediathek lohnt sich!


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December 31st, 2020

2020 Farewell


2020 is as good as checked off. In a few hours, this wonderfully symmetrical year will be history. Many can’t wait, having found this year a big slap in the face. We at gannaca are thankful for 2020, because this year has indeed ensured more symmetry: Whereas we had previously apostrophized from stages and videos that we would all sooner or later end up in a much messier, more uncomfortable and more exhausting world, because we mostly worked past the actual challenges with the prevailing systems and structures, this mostly remained very abstract for many. Today, many know what we meant because they feel it – triggered by the pandemic: VUCA – a state of constant volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity has become everyday life.

CHANGE and INNOVATION will remain our guardrails at gannaca in 2021 on a highway to the future that now has so many lanes that we can put horsepower on the road, from one-on-one coaching for executives to strategy consulting to technology development for publicly traded companies. The decisive part in this traction, besides tons of experience, extensive network, deep knowledge and still great curiosity, are our great customers, our agile partners, our inspiring Advisory Board and of course our hard-working and motivated employees. We would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your constant commitment! Here’s to a healthy and meaningful 2021 in every respect!


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December 21st, 2020

Forum Zukunftsmedizin


Rheinische Post Forum


Im Forum Zukunftsmedizin der Rheinischen Post trafen sich am 27. November Experten aus den Bereichen Medizin, Pharmakologie, Theologie, Versicherung und Wirtschaft, um begleitet durch unseren CIO Christopher Peterka über KI in unserem Alltag und speziell in der Medizin zu diskutieren. Zentraler Schlüssel für KI-basierte Fortschritte in allen Bereichen des Lebens sind valide, strukturierte Daten. Gerade in der Medizin sind enorme Fortschritte vorstellbar – doch fehlt es oft an Datenmaterial für die Entwicklungsprozesse. Gerade die pharmazeutische Forschung erhält zurzeit keinen Zugriff auf Daten der „forschenden Versorgung“. Die Experten waren sich einig, dass eine intensivere Aufklärung der Bevölkerung notwendig sei, damit vermehrt Daten, auch anonymisiert, zugunsten einer besseren medizinischen Versorgung bereitgestellt würden. Das Video zur Veranstaltung finden Sie hier.


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December 20th, 2020

XING X-Mas Special


Impulsvortrag “IoT” – Christopher Peterka


Im Dezember war unser CIO Christopher Patrick Peterka Teil des XING Puls X-Mas Specials, nachdem er von der Digitalisierungs- und Tech Community in Köln und Düsseldorf unter die Top 3 Speaker des Jahres gewählt wurde und mithin am Best Of zum Jahresabschluss teilnehmen durfte. Die Themen für die Impulsvorträge wurden im Vorfeld als Wichtelgeschenk überreicht. Christopher durfte sich dem Thema #IoT (Internet of Things) annehmen. Eine besondere Qual für einen Futuristen, der den meisten Menschen ein bis zwei Jahrzehnte voraus ist und für den das Internet der Dinge schon vor 20 Jahren begreifbar gewesen ist. Was dabei herauskam, ist umso spannender und jetzt als Video zum flexiblen Nachschauen verfügbar.


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December 4th, 2020



Wohnraum AG, Kempten


In der letzten Woche waren wir zum Start der strategischen Markenkommunikation in Vorbereitung umfangreicher Kapitalmarktaktivitäten im Jahr 2021 in Form diverser Videoproduktionen rund um das Thema “bezahlbarer Wohnraum” zu Gast bei der WR Wohnraum AG in Kempten. Ein Thema, das an der Schnittstelle zwischen Digitalisierung und gesellschaftlichem Wandel höchste Relevanz hat und in dem gannaca Schlüsselkonzepte für die Innovationskultur und -struktur liefert und laufend supervidiert. To be continued soon – wir sind gespannt auf die ersten Ergebnisse.


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November 20th, 2020

Next Gen Digital Day 2020


Quintet Privatbank Merck Finck


A year ago, Quintet Privatbank Merck Finck, under the project manager Daniel Sauerzapf, became the first German private bank to launch a “NextGen” initiative in collaboration with the think tank gannaca, with which it specifically promotes the exchange of ideas among a wealthy young target group of 20-40 year-olds in order to establish a high-quality community in phases. Its significant added value is demonstrated in particular by the fact that high-profile personalities from the worlds of business, culture and sport participate in the active dialog, which extends far beyond the topic of banking. The work of the “NextGen” initiative has resulted in formats such as the NextGen Digital Day with Gabor Steingart in September of this year, which our CIO Christopher Patrick Peterka had the privilege of curating and moderating. From the editorial ship ”The Pioneer One” in Berlin, exciting future topics around the topic of “Long Wealth – the future of wealth” were reported and discussed in a live broadcast.


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