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November 22nd, 2018

Future Challenges: Usercentric thinking?



How do you manage the digital transformation of your business?
User centric thinking is a very important part of this transformation. But how can you improve this aspect?
Today´s video gives you some advice.

© gannaca GmbH & Co. KG


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November 15th, 2018

Future Challenges: Weapons of math destruction?



In the innovation community everybody is talking about blockchain and the new internet called web 3.0. The change from centralised to decentralised systems is generating a certain amount of enthusiasm. We don´t have to trust in a single institution or a single human anymore. But what about the ethical aspect? Who cares about it?

© gannaca GmbH & Co. KG


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September 13th, 2018

Future Challenges: Sustainable business culture?



What do we need to create a sustainable business culture?
Again Estonia shows us an example of how this sustainability can be achieved.
We visited Telliskivi Creative City in Tallinn, Estonia. A place where old factory buildings meet new developments. It´s the largest creative centre in Estonia where not only lots of creative companies, studios and offices settled down but also small design shops, bars, cafés and restaurants can be found.
Now your are searching for the missing link? Watch our new video and find out.

© gannaca GmbH & Co. KG


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August 30th, 2018

Future Challenges: Fitness responsibility?



What about your health and physical fitness?
Working hard means a lot of stress and effort for our body and little time for fitness and sports. We also like to use the time aspect as an excuse to avoid sporting activities.
But now you can put this excuse aside. Have you ever heard of EMS Training? In this video you will learn more about it.


© gannaca GmbH & Co. KG



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August 2nd, 2018

Future Challenges: Uncomfortable questions?



Are you worried about the future? In view of the advancing digitisation many changes will come to us.
For progress, both personally and in business, it is important to ask yourself some uncomfortable questions. 😉


Many thanks to Britt Wandhoefer ( Coco & Bill Publishing House ) for inviting Christopher Patrick Peterka to the interview about life in the future, published in the current VIVID Magazin.


You don´t know the magazine yet? Then go to the nearest newsagent or order online:


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July 12th, 2018

Future Challenges: Cyborgism?



Will we all become cyborgs one day?

Let’s talk about evolution and how humans will develop with the help of technology in the future. Will we have abilities like superheroes? What do you think?
A year ago we made this video for Liviu Babitz, the founder of Cyborg Nest and father of North Sense. Now, one year later, Christopher Patrick Peterka talks about his experiences live on Instagram next Wednesday, 9.30 pm. So if you are interested in this topic join us: gannacathinktank


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May 10th, 2018

Future Challenges: Moments of Silence?


Momente der Stille
Sie sind wichtig, um uns selbst zu reflektieren und runter zu kommen. Besonders in Zeiten, in denen Schnelligkeit und ständige Verfügbarkeit unsere täglichen Begleiter sind. Die Digitalisierung fordert ihren Tribut und immer mehr Menschen sind mit dem Lebensstil, den sie mit sich bringt, überfordert.
Lasst Euch von unserem Video inspirieren und nehmt Euch die Zeit. 😉


Moments of silence
They are important for us to reflect ourselves and to calm down, especially in times when speed and constant availability are our daily companions. Digitalisation is taking its toll and more and more people are overwhelmed with the lifestyle it brings with it.
So get inspired by our video and take your time.


#gannaca #thinktank #entrepreneur #silence #stille #digitalisierung


© gannaca GmbH & Co. KG


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April 12th, 2018

Future Challenges: Blockchain and Ethics?


Wird ein globales Blockchain-Regime eine glückliche Welt der Gleichheit, der Inklusion und der kollektiven Errungenschaft sein oder eine, die von schrecklichen Konflikten, Ungerechtigkeit und Missbrauch durchsetzt ist?
Brauchen wir eine neue Ethik für digitale Innovationen?


Will a global blockchain regime be a happy world of equality, inclusion and collective achievement or one permeated by terrible conflicts, injustice and abuse?
Do we need a new ethic for digital innovation?


#blockchain #gannaca #thinktank #entrepreneur #ethik


© gannaca GmbH & Co. KG

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March 29th, 2018

Future Challenges: Third Places?

We are agile, we are flexible and some of us are digital nomads.


The dimensions of work environment changed enormously over the last twenty years. We are no longer satisfied with punctuated blue carpets and standard furnishing. This applies not only to offices but also to hotels. We are agile, we are flexible and some of us are digital nomads. Therefore these features are also expected from our environment. #welovefreewifi


Christopher P. Peterka gives some insight on current trends and topics within the digital economy and society transformation.


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March 22nd, 2018

Future Challenges: Legal Tech?

Do we actually still need lawyers?


Christopher P. Peterka gives some insight on current trends and topics within the digital economy and society transformation.


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